How you enter the arena is just as important as what you do in the fight. Maybe you’ll play to the crowd to gain inspiration. Maybe you’d like to look extra intimidating to draw the attention of your foes and protect your friends. Or maybe you’ll try to enter the arena unnoticed by your opponents. Pre-combat rolls allow the player to do this. You get a Play to the Crowd and one other roll per match, so choose carefully! The following are the options for pre-combat rolls.

Arena Ghost
Some people want to get noticed in the arena. But not you. You have some assassinating to do. Beat the global save DC on a stealth check to enter the arena unnoticed by your foes. For as long as you don’t get spotted by an enemy, you have the opportunity for a surprise attack.
Enemies remain unaware of you until you:
- End your turn in an enemy’s line of sight.
- Attack an enemy
- Take a magic action
Come at Me!
Feel like testing the durability of your armor? Pass an intimidation check to get the attention of your foes. Attacks against all other PCs are at disadvantage if you are in an NPCs line of sight. An enemy may take an action to make a wisdom saving throw against the arena Global Save DC. On a success, they are no longer intimidated by you.
Head on a Swivel
Your opponents may be trying to hide. You’d like to keep an eye out for that. Roll a perception check. If the result is higher than your passive perception, alter your passive perception to reflect the change until the end of the match.
On Your Mark
Maybe you’d like to get out ahead of the pack? Beat the global save DC with successful acrobatics or athletics check, and you can take a free dash action on you first turn.
Play to the Crowd
Show the crowd why you’re special! If you beat the global save DC on a performance check, you get a point of inspiration. Use it soon though, as it is only available for the current match!