When creating a character for Dungeons and Dragons 5e, there are several ways you can assign your starting Ability Scores. We’ll talk about the other methods below, but we’ll start with the Point Buy. The Point Buy system presented in the 5e Players Handbook is one of the most popular. You start with a budget of 27 points and can set each stat between 8 and 15 points. The higher the stat, the more points you use. You must use all 27 points. This 5e DnD Point Buy Calculator below should help!
Alternatives to the Point Buy System
The two other ways of assigning your ability scores are by rolling for them, or by using the standard array. When rolling for Ability Scores, you roll 4 six-sided dice. Remove the lowest value rolled and add the remaining dice. This is the value for your Strength stat. Repeat this roll 5 more times for the rest of the Ability Scores. When rolling for Ability scores, you usually end up crafting your character to suit what you rolled. This method is popular for players who want a randomly generated character. It also allows for higher and lower Ability Scores than any of the other methods. Your character’s stats could be anywhere from 3 to 18.
The third method is the Standard Array. You start with a standard set of numbers: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. You choose which number to assign to which Ability Score. This final method is probably the easiest. There isn’t any risk like there is in rolling, and you don’t have to fiddle with any calculations either.
Now that you’ve got your Ability Scores sorted out with the 5e DnD Point Buy Calculator, you can finish creating your character. Next, if you need a token, you can check out our article about our favorite token makers.
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