Harvesting the Hydra
I asked Bing Image Creator for an image of a butcher looking at a hydra. Bing nailed it on the first try.

Salvage is a game mechanic from Lairs of Etharis. I noted in my previous article, I have some concerns about the way they do it, but I think it’s a fun mechanic.

So, your players just took down a hydra. What’s next? I’d hate to see them waste all of that hydra by leaving it to rot on the field. Here are some suggestions for what the PCs can do with it. Here’s the stat block from the Basic Rules for reference:

Hydra Components:

  • Hydra Blood – a viscous, bright yellow-green substance.
  • Hydra Scale – Sheets of hydra skin with the scales of the beast intact. It’s not especially durable, but it retains some of the Hydra’s healing properties.

Harvesting the Hydra:

  • Hydra Blood – Hydra blood is relatively simple to harvest. Clean containers are required. If the blood is collected into unclean vessels, it is useless as a crafting component. The player must make a DC 10 Medicine or Survival check to collect the blood. On a success, they collect 2d6 units of hydra blood.
  • Hydra Scale – Hydra scale is harder to harvest. Large enough sections of hide to craft pieces of armor must be collected. The player must make a DC 15 survival check. On a success, they collect 1 unit of hydra scale.

Craftable Hydra Items:

  • Potion of Regeneration – When you drink this potion, you regain 1d6 hit points every 6 seconds for one minute.
  • Potion of Reactivity – When you drink this potion, you gain the ability to take up to 3 reactions per round, but only 1 per turn. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
  • Hydra Scale Armor – Requires attunement. This armor has the same stats as scale mail. While wearing this ring, you regain 1d6 hit points every 10 minutes, provided that you have at least 1 hit point. If you lose a body part, the ring causes the missing part to regrow and return to full functionality after 1d6 + 1 days if you have at least 1 hit point the whole time.


  • Potion of Regeneration – Crafting the potion of regeneration requires 1 unit of hydra blood, 1 hour, and DC 15 Arcana or Survival check. On a fail, the components are destroyed.
  • Potion of Reactivity – Crafting the potion of regeneration requires 2 units of hydra blood, 1 hour, and DC 15 Arcana or Survival check. On a fail, the components are destroyed.
  • Hydra Scale Armor – Crafting hydra scale armor requires 1 unit of hydra scale, smith’s tools, 16 hours, and a DC 15 Dexterity check. If the check is failed by 5 or more, the components are destroyed, otherwise, the crafter may make another attempt.


  • As a monstrosity, there’s not a lot of love in the world for hydras. Any sentient beings of good will in areas afflicted with a hydra will be positively predisposed to any adventurers who can prove to them (or trick them into believing) they are hydra slayers.
  • Hydras are intensely territorial. If they scent the presence of hydra scale armor, they will hunt the wearer ceaselessly until they reach the edge of their territory.


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