Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden is an adventure for D&D fifth edition. Set in the icy north of the sword coast, your adventurers must save the settlement of Ten-Towns from an everlasting night begin woven by the titular Frostmaiden.
The items in this adventure may not have a lot of general use, but there are some very interesting toys here for your party to play with.
Icewind Dale Item Prices
Item | Cost (GP) | Source Book | Page |
Abracadabrus | 100 | IDRotF | 314 |
Cauldron of Plenty | 50 | IDRotF | 314 |
Hook of Fisher's Delight | 500 | IDRotF | 314 |
Iron Ball | 1 | IDRotF | 238 |
Lantern of Tracking | 25 | IDRotF | 314 |
Orc Stone | 1000 | IDRotF | 264 |
Professor Skant | 50 | IDRotF | 315 |
Psi Crystal | 800 | IDRotF | 315 |
Scroll of Tarrasque Summoning | 20000 | IDRotF | 315 |
Scroll of the Comet | 50000 | IDRotF | 315 |
Shield Guardian Amulet | 500 | IDRotF | 149 |
The Codicil of White | 500 | IDRotF | 317 |
The Incantations of Iriolarthas | 500 | IDRotF | 317 |
Thermal Cube | 100 | IDRotF | 316 |
Ythryn Mythallar | 20000 | IDRotF | 316 |
Item | Cost (GP) | Source Book | Page |
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