This article was originally published in March of 2024, and has been updated to correct an error.
When you gain a level in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, your Hit Points increase. You can find the details in the Player’s Handbook. Players have the choice to roll for their hit points or take the average hit points by level. Most choose to take the average, but rolling can be fun as well.
One thing to note is that the average of is rounded up. For example, when you take the average for the d6, you use 4 in your calculation. The actual average roll would be 3.5. This means that even if your rolls were average over multiple levels, you would still come out behind. You could get luck and roll better than average, and even better than the average rounded up. It’s a sucker’s bet though.
There are a few character traits that will alter your Hit Point calculations. You can still use the tables below, just added the relevant number of hit points per level:
Draconic Sorcerer Subclass
The Draconic Sorcerer subclass has the Draconic Resilience. Along with altering a character’s unarmored AC, it also grants additional hit points. Characters in the subclass have 1 additional Hit Point per level.
Hill Dwarf Race
Hill Dwarves have the Dwarven Resilience trait. They get 1 additional Hit Point per level.
Tough Feat
The Tough Feat grants a character 2 additional hit points per level. This is retroactive; a character gains 2 Hit Points for each level they have attained, and then 2 more each time they level.
Health Tables
Sorcerer and Wizard: Average Health by Level (d6 Hit Die)

Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Rogue and Warlock: Average Health by Level (d8 Hit Die)

Blood Hunter, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger: Average Health by Level (d10 Hit Die)

Barbarian: Average Health by Level (d12 Hit Die)

Now that you’ve got those Hit Points sorted out, how about some nice magical items?
Anonymous · February 1, 2025 at 8:12 pm
Hey your barbarian average health by level table is wrong. It’s a copy of the D10 table instead of being separate math for a D12
admin · February 5, 2025 at 9:41 am
I corrected the issue. Thanks!