Support the Dungeonsports Coliseum
Art Courtesy of @RuckeySquad

Real talk, out of character as the Voivode Kohoutek, master of the Dungeonsports Coliseum, I wanted to talk to you about why I run these games, and how you can support the Coliseum if it is meaningful to you.

I know there are a lot of people out there in search of games, and there are a lot of barriers to getting into a game. It’s hard to find a DM, let alone a good DM for you. It’s hard to allocate the time to playing the game on a regular basis. It can be an expensive hobby. I’m here to try and help players overcome all those issue. I may not be the best DM, but I get by. My games are open to everyone who plays well with others. My games are drop-in and -out friendly, and I don’t charge players.

On that last point, I do need to make a little money to cover the time I put in, and hopefully allow me to expand and improve the content of these games. As I said above, I don’t require players to pay, but I do hope that, one way or another, players will choose to support me as I grow the community. Because of this there are a variety of ways to show support, both, financially and otherwise.

So, if you’ve got some extra scratch you can support the Dungeonsports Coliseum by:

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And if you don’t, you could always :


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